EU National Championships – UPDATE
Thank you all for the great response from the community to our announcement of the EU National Championship events happening in 2022. We have been overwhelmed by the response from communities all over the EU region and we are excited to add a few new entries to the EU National Championship schedule for 2022.
To start with, we want to make sure to highlight the first EU National Championship event happening later this month at Modena Play in Italy on May 20th. We are excited to see everyone in the Italian ASOIAF:TMG community ready for an amazing tournament to crown the first Italian National champion. We have sent out over $1,000 USD in retail product as prizes for this event in addition to what the organizers, La Tana degli Orchi, are providing for entrants. This should be a great way to start the EU National Champions Series and we appreciate all the work the organizers have put into hosting this event.
As a reminder, the UK National Championship tournament at the London GT is coming along well and the hosting groups, Northern Realms Gaming and ASOIAFSTATS, are putting in great work with their local community to bring you an exciting event later this year. Be sure to check out the details here for this event happening on October 1st in London.
In association with Tabletop Warden and Bedburger Tabletopfreunde eV alongside our local distributor, ASMODEE DE, we are happy to announce that the 2022 ASOIAF:TMG German National Championships will be held in Hannover at the Star Event Center starting on July 29th. We are so pleased to again be working with such exemplary members of the ASOIAF:TMG community on a National Championship event and we want to specifically recognize ASMODEE DE for their efforts to champion the game with the German community. This stands to be an amazing event for the German player community and we are greatly looking forward to honoring the first ASOIAF:TMG German National Champion later this year.
We are pleased to announce that the date and location for the French National Championship tournament has been set. The host, Le Bar à Théo, will be holding the French National Championship event in Bordeaux on October 29th and 30th. Details can be found here. They have been overwhelmed with support since the posting and now have more than 70 players already registered for the event with more to come.
Our Polish distributor, Warfactory, have been amazing supporters of the game since its inception. They let us know that they will be organizing the Polish National Championship later this year and will update us with more details as soon as things are set. Polish organizers and clubs, please reach out to Warfactory directly for questions or other interest in this upcoming event.
Finally, we are honored to be able to let the ASOIAF:TMG community know that the champions for these events happening around the world will be the first to qualify for our A Song of Ice & Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game Tournament of Champions. Currently in planning for 2023, each of our 2022 National Champions around the world will be qualified for this World Championship event. This will include our US and EU champions as well as our Asian Pacific Champions, whose events are planned for later in 2022 and 2023. We will have more details to come about this exciting event later this year and are greatly looking forward to crowning our first World Champion in 2023.