Guest Article: Brotherhood Without Banners Units (Part 2) by Warfactory
Welcome Bannermen,
We hope you have been well! To make it even better, today we’ll continue our journey through the content of the Brotherhood Without Banners Starter Set. You have already seen our brave Peasant Levy, so time for a more elite unit: Men-At-Arms. They represent soldiers from different armies fighting in the Riverlands who joined the Brotherhood and now are united by common cause.
These 6 point units will be the backbone of any Brotherhood army. It has a great attack profile 7/6/4 dice and hitting on 4+. It also has the Critical Blow keyword, and it gets even better if our enemy doesn’t control Crown on Tactic Board. Additional +1 to hit and Sundering is a huge boost. You know, they just can’t let bad guys rule Westeros. Pairing this unit with Peasant Levy will further their offensive output. We haven’t even begun talking about the attachments yet! The Brotherhood has many well known members and some of them will be able to support these units in close combat.
The second ability – Ambush is well known to all ASOIAF players. That’s obvious you want to charge on the enemy’s flank (even without Ambush, regular bonuses are good enough). We don’t want to spoil too much today, but Brotherhood has some tools to make flank charge easier. Ambush is also a perfect example that the best defense is attack as Weakeaned unit will not hit us back as effective as it could.
Overall that’s a very straightforward unit without very sophisticated rules – exactly what the core unit should be.
Speaking of miniatures: each of them looks unique yet they still look great as one unit. Those dynamic sculps should be a real pleasure to paint.
The last one unit from the starter set is the Brotherhood Archers. Unlike the archers from the other Houses, they are focused on surprising their enemies instead of standing in perfect rows and just firing volley after volley. That fits thematically for a small army using guerilla tactics.
They are fast (Speed 6!) and lightly armored, allowing them to easily outflank their foes. Long range with 7/6/4 dice hitting on 3+ makes them a reliable unit to have. You can also ignore intervening units and terrain when determining line of sight which should help you avoid getting charged. Brotherhood Archers similarly to Men-at-arms really want to attack from the flank. When they do it their attack receives Precision and Vicious, which combined with a flank bonus makes them a huge threat.

Their Order: Deceitful reposition allows them to reach enemy flanks easily and remember that we can Shift before a ranged attack which allows us to cover even greater distances. You can also use this order defensively. It allows you to move out of the enemy’s shooting range and move out of charge range. This ability has great potential but mastering it would take some practice.
The sculpts capture what their rules do and look like they are preparing for an ambush! We can’t wait to see them in person and how they compare against the Crannogman Trackers as we believe we could mix some miniatures between those two units for greater diversity of sculpts.
That’s all units from the Brotherhood Without Banners starter set but not all units available for Brotherhood. We’ll talk about them soon, so stay tuned. In the meantime please let us know what you think about already presented units. Which one is your favorite and why?
Until next time!
Warfactory Team