Free Folk Raiders

It doesn’t take well-armed and armored troops to create an army.

<p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>Overview</strong></span></p> <p>With little training and crude weapons of bone and scavenged iron or steel, the Free Folk Raiders offer only one thing to counter advanced Westerosi arms and armor: multitudes. Encounters with Raider warbands in the south have left most Westerosi commanders with little notion of Free Folk numbers north of the Wall. It&rsquo;s true that in small units, they&rsquo;re little more than armed peasants. However, under the Free Folk banner, they&rsquo;re an army.</p> <p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Tactical Points</span></strong></p> <ul> <li>Free Folk Raiders put "swarm" in "Swarm Tactics"! Being the cheapest unit in the game at 3 points, their ranks can fill your deploy zone entirely!</li> <li>The Free Folk Raiders can be considered 'expendable' as they won't grant enemy commanders victory points for dealing wounds.</li> <li>Keep an eye for the Raiders' "Gang-up" ability, that gives them +1 to hit when attacking an enemy engaged with another friendly unit.</li> </ul>

Free Folk Raiders