The Most Dangerous of the Kraken’s Many Arms

Ahoy there, Bannermen. Welcome back to another preview of an upcoming release for the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game. This time, we’re headed to sea as we take a look at a new unit coming for House Greyjoy. They’re the Iron Victory Crew, and they’ll have landlubbers shaking in their boots.

The Iron Victory is Victarion’s personal ship. As such, the crew that man it have been hand-picked for their combat abilities, cunning, ferocity, and loyalty. All of these add up to be a very strong unit that would do well at the center of any Greyjoy battle line. Let’s take a closer look at them.

The unit comes in at 6 points to field, which is quite a good bargain. They’re not overly fast, with a speed of 5, but they have something that many other Greyjoy units don’t have: a bit of defense, with a Defense Save of 4+. They’re also very dedicated to Victarion, having a 6+ morale (and actually more, as we’ll see when we get to their special rules).

On the offensive side of things, the unit certainly knows how to effectively utilize their boarding axes. The unit rolls 7 dice at full ranks and hits on a 3+. Not only that, the unit’s attack always has Sundering, letting them chop through enemy armor. Plus, if the unit has acquired a pair of Pillage Tokens, their enemies also become Panicked before the Victory Crew rolls their attack dice.

The unit has two other special rules. The first is rather straightforward. Being Victarion’s hand-picked crew, the unit automatically starts with 1 Pillage Token if Victarion Greyjoy is attached to them. That’s already halfway to their goal of 2 tokens to get Panicked added to their attacks. The other ability is that boost to Morale I mentioned above. When the unit is engaged with an enemy that has fewer ranks than them, the Iron Victory Crew automatically passes all Panic Tests.

As you can see the Iron Victory Crew would do well anchoring a Greyjoy battle line. Commanders will soon be able to add these hearty crewmates to their forces. Be sure to ask at your LGS for when they will be available and stay tuned for more scouting reports for more upcoming releases for the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game.

The Most Dangerous of the Kraken’s Many Arms

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